27 Jul 2024 HCM Handbook

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Health Club Management Handbook - Potential for lasting impact

Editor's letter

Potential for lasting impact

As we prepare the HCM Handbook 2022-2023 for publication, the COVID-19 situation is looking far more positive and this year’s handbook reflects on the ways the industry has changed as a result of the pandemic and how this is likely to impact policy in the future.

A new research report from Deloitte, GHFA and IHRSA looks at the impact of the sector Shutterstock/ORION PRODUCTION

As we prepare the HCM Handbook 2022-2023 for publication, the COVID-19 situation is looking far more positive and this year’s handbook reflects on the ways the industry has changed as a result of the pandemic and how this is likely to impact policy in the future.

There have been seemingly endless challenges, in everything from rent issues and changing consumer habits to staffing and cashflow, yet throughout this challenging time, exciting opportunities continue to emerge across the industry – especially when it comes to the contribution we can make to society.

The spotlight is more firmly on health and wellbeing than ever before and more people are now invested in wanting to look after themselves and their families.

For years we’ve been writing about how underfunded health services around the world have been struggling to cope, but COVID-19 has dealt them a further crushing blow, meaning many are at now at breaking point.

Into this challenging global scenario comes a new research report from Deloitte, the Global Health and Fitness Alliance (GHFA) and IHRSA. Called Economic health and societal wellbeing: quantifying the impact of the global health and fitness sector, the study has found that the health and fitness sector could contribute an additional US$91.22bn to the global economy if we could mobilise sedentary people to be more active.

The 46 nations studied represent 90 per cent of the global health and fitness market and the report shares the impact per head of population on GDP for each sedentary person who can be converted to activity.

This is one of the most significant pieces of research about the industry ever published and will open new conversations about the true potential of our sector, while also motivating governments, policy makers and investors to become more involved with our industry at every level.

With so much potential still unrealised, it’s clear our work is really only just beginning.


Kath Hudson, editor, HCM Handbook

Originally published in HCM Handbook 2022 edition

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