27 Jul 2024 HCM Handbook
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2014 features
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6   Facts & Figures
Sector Statistics
Key statistics for the UK, European and global health and fitness markets. Quantifying the world's health crisis. And the fitness technology boom put into numbers

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12   Industry insights
Fitness Foresight 2014
Fitness Foresight™ from Health Club Management outlines some of the key trends, influences and opportunities for the fitness sector moving forward

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22   Industry insights
Health & wellness
From laughter as medicine to wellness hotels, Camilla Parke of The Futures Company looks at some of the trends set to shape the wellness sector in the coming year

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28   Industry insights
On trend
Henry Mason of trendwatching.com outlines the key consumer trends for the fitness sector to run with in 2014

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32   Industry insights
Hi-tech future
From activity trackers to fitness apps, we round up some of the technology that's set to change the way we work out

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36   Industry insights
2014 predictions
What does 2014 hold in store for the health and fitness sector? Our panel of experts offer their views

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40   Industry insights
Embracing health
2014 will be the year that operators decide whether they want to play a recognised role within the health sector, says ukactive's David Stalker

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44   Industry insights
European perspective
EHFA's Cliff Collins gives details of EU initiatives that will impact the fitness sector in 2014

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48   Industry insights
Global perspective
IHRSA's expert panel on the forces that will shape the fitness industry around the world in the coming year

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52   Industry insights
Spa Foresight 2014
Spa Foresight™ from Spa Business magazine offers health club spa operators insights into the trends that will shape their business in the future

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56   Research round-up
Growth opportunities
Mintel's latest research highlights opportunities to further extend the sector's reach. Michael Oliver reports

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60   Research round-up
Sector snapshot
From wearables to measuring participation, microgyms to the emergence of the public sector, TLDC's David Minton offers insights based on the latest State of the Fitness Industry Report

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64   Research round-up
Attention retention
Think retention was bad before? It's now worse than ever, according to new research from Dr Paul Bedford

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68   Research round-up
Stay or leave?
New research by Mike Hill of Leisure-net Solutions – conducted exclusively for Health Club Management – investigates why members leave clubs, and how well operators manage the leaving process

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74   Research round-up
Science snapshots
We round up some of the latest research in the area of health, fitness and wellbeing
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78   Industry who's who
Who's who
A directory of some of the leading health and fitness operators in the UK and Europe
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136   Who's who
Independents' day
We showcase best practice examples of independent operators working with suppliers to create real innovation
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142   Who's who
Company profiles
Key contact details and product information from fitness suppliers and training providers
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222   Worldwide industry events
Diary dates
Are you going to FIBO, IHRSA, FLAME, LIW, SIBEC? Plan ahead with this comprehensive listing of events, shows and conferences for 2014
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226   Listings
Industry organisations
A directory of health, fitness and activity-related organisations in the UK and beyond
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228   Listings
Supplier contact book
Contact information in an A-Z of industry suppliers, from fitness equipment to finances, software to sports drinks
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238   Listings
Product selector
Industry suppliers listed by category – a fast, easy way to find products and services
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